Thousands Unknowingly Living with Diabetes
Released on = November 9, 2006, 5:10 pm
Press Release Author = The Official Diabetes Blog
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = \"We\'re really keen to help reduce the number of people unknowingly living with diabetes, to dispel common myths about the condition and to provide quality information to people world wide,\" said Stephanie Jakobi, spokesperson for The Official Diabetes BlogT.
Press Release Body = Australian-based website The Official Diabetes BlogT has launched an awareness campaign, which is focused on spreading the word about diabetes and increasing understanding about the condition in the community.
As part of the campaign has released a series of audio interviews with diabetes experts and professionals. These are available free for visitors to the site.
\"We\'re really keen to help reduce the number of people unknowingly living with diabetes, to dispel common myths about the condition and to provide quality information to people world wide,\" said Stephanie Jakobi, spokesperson for The Official Diabetes BlogT.
Diabetes Australia estimates that there are currently over 700,000 people in Australia living with diabetes who don\'t know they have it yet. What makes this figure particularly alarming is that, in many cases, type 2 diabetes can be reversed or dramatically slowed if detected early.
\"Quite a few people are able to avoid the full blown condition, if type 2 diabetes is detected early,\" Patrick Ball, Professor of Rural and Remote Pharmacy at Charles Sturt University said in a recent interview with The Official Diabetes BlogT.
In this interview, Professor Ball discussed how type 2 diabetes can be reversed, the best way to slow down the condition and how diabetes sufferers may be able to reduce the amount of medication they are taking. The interview is available as a free download at .
Patrick also discusses the problem of obesity in today\'s society and how being overweight can drastically increase a person\'s chances of developing type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that 1 in 4 children in Australia is overweight and our modern lifestyle is seen as the major reason why this figure is so high.
\"We\'ve come up with so many labour-saving devices and each of these takes away a little bit of the energy we used to expend,\" Professor Ball said. It is important that people balance what they eat, against the amount of physical activity they do.
Ball emphasises that people should lose excess weight through diet and exercise, rather than having it surgically removed. \"Studies have shown that removing fat surgically has virtually no effect on people\'s insulin resistance, circulating blood sugar and circulating blood fats,\" he said. recognises that raising awareness and providing quality information about diabetes and its risk factors can dramatically reduce the number of people suffering from the condition.
\"We\'d love to see a significant increase in the number of people catching their diabetes early and being able to reverse it before it takes hold,\" said Stephanie Jakobi.
The Official Diabetes BlogT is regularly releasing new audio interviews with diabetes experts and professionals, which are available at: .
Web Site =
Contact Details = Shaun Stenning 5 Wolgan Street Portland , 2847 $$country
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